Enhancing employee productivity
A SME Vantage series program
Sustaining a profitable business is extremely challenging. People are the differentiators for the success and survival of any organisation. Creating a performing culture and nurturing human resources is critical to enhance employee productivity, giving a competitive advantage to the business.
The programme would help participants understand the impact of employee productivity on the performance of an organisation and methods to enhance employee productivity.
Key Learnings
- How Managerial and Personal Growth can be enhanced through
- Principles and Values, Effective Communication, Work Life Balance
- Enhancing Personal Effectiveness and Efficiency
- Understanding of Team Dynamics, Including being a team player and team builder
- Skills required to lead
- Ability to assume managerial roles and take on higher responsibilities
Suitable For
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Program Duration
Template is not defined.
Key Learning
- Impact of human resource on competitive advantage
- Impact of culture on employee productivity
- What is a performing organisation?
- Correlation between systems and employee productivity
- Understanding of actions required to enhance employee productivity
- Stakeholders & their expectations
- Performing culture
- Business planning
- Governance, control and review
- Role of systems
Suitable for
- Owners and CEOs of SMEs & Start-ups
- Functional heads
- HR professionals
- Senior managers
Program Duration
- One day