What you monitor is what you get. Akin to the school issuing periodical report cards to enable parents to access, appreciate and intervene, businesses also need periodical report cards on their performance for assessment, appreciation and intervention, where necessary and at the appropriate time. This is achieved through structured business performance reviews.

A review mechanism, if structured and implemented well, will help align business activities and the functions to the business plan of the organization; improve internal and external communication, team building and better inter-functional appreciation of perspectives; monitor organization performance against stated goals; take proactive action based on reviews to achieve organisation's goals. To a large extent, it aids in bringing predictability to business outcomes as well.

For a review mechanism to be effective and which will aid realise the above stated benefits; it should be comprehensive, participative and structured.

Comprehensive: The review should provide a "full view" or in other words cover all aspects impacting achievement of organisational objectives.

Participative: The organisation's objectives have to be achieved by the team. Participation of the team in the review will go a long way in creating ownership, team building and appreciating view- points of other functions.

Structured: The reviews mechanism should be specific with respect to the periodicity, content, participation and mode.

Vantage facilitates and enables businesses to evolve comprehensive, participative & structure review mechanisms to enable growth & superior performance.